Now that's too many things to post here, so I'll just do the basics for now.
Overall Concept: To provide online products, services and information to small businesses, with an emphasis on those in the creative industry and who use digital and printed graphics to create their products for their customers.
These products include, but are not limited to digital graphics creation; templates and sets for candy wrappers, scrapbookers, website designers, creative crafters and website designers.
Services include, but are not limited to information ebooks; website design; business branding, such as business card, brochure, coupon/gift certificate design; online seminars and personal/one-on-one consulting.
Each of these products and services can grow or change according to each customer's individual needs. My goal is to ensure each of my customers has the products, knowledge and support they need to have confidence in their own business.
OK, so that's my basic outline, which briefly included some products and services. Now, why don't you give it a try as well. For those of you who are just starting out, this is essential. For those of you who have been in business for a while, it is always a good thing to update your business plan every-so-often and at the beginning of a new year is always a great plan.
There may be things that have changed since you originally created your plan, or there may be things you had in your plan that you no longer do, added things that you hadn't originally thought of, or no longer offer things you found didn't work. A yearly dusting of your business plan helps you refocus and re-evaluate how your business has been doing and help you see if you need to make any changes or adjustments to reach your goals and be successful.
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