The link for the forum can be found under the Links section to the left of this post, or go to http://cjs.5.forumer.com
I have my own section for sharing freebies with you. There's a seminar section, where I will be posting seminar schedules, as well as a calendar for members.
There are 6 major things that make this different from other forums:
- A tutorial section has been added for the more popular software, but if there's something you use that you'd like to have tips and a tutorial on, let me know. There is a section where you can request any topic to be added.
- For those of you who like to create and design, I have made a place where you share them with members.
- There is a topic where you can actually show any designs you have for sale (once a week posting only).
- You also have a topic where you can post your weekly special sales to members.
- A topic has been created where you can request a special design, type of graphic or wrapper for any of the artists to create for you
- There is a place on the board where you can post a question or request directly on the board
So, please join me on the CJ's Creativity Center forum and I encourage all of you to send out invitations.... please! :)
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