Sunday, January 24, 2010

Smack My Hand! How Did I Miss It?

Today, as I looked at my website, the proverbial light bulb went off in my head.  I don't know how I missed it, forgot to do it, or what. But, smack my hand, I had completely overlooked it!

There are fundamentals parts to a website, in order to make work effectively and efficiently for you.  Of course, we all know about navigation to your individual pages, easy to read fonts, headlines for special things you want your customers to notice, etc.

So, it follows naturally that if you offer a newsletter, free samples, an information or tips page, that you have a link placed prominently on your home page, for your customers to use.  It brings their attention to the fact you offer it and allows them a quick way to get there.  After all, it's useless to have if your customers don't know about it.

In my case, it's this blog.  I completely forgot to let my customers who visit my website know that this blog exists!  I do include a little blurb, inviting my customers to join the blog in my emails I send them with their purchases.  But, that's after they've visited my website and actually made a purchase.

What I've missed is those people who have visited my website, browsed through my pages but not made a purchase at that time.  They've left, not knowing that they can join this blog, to get some (hopefully) helpful information, tips and they're even missing the freebies with each post.

Now, although your customers who have actually made a purchase are more likely to sign up for your newsletter or blog, that doesn't mean that others won't have an interest as well.

Not having the sign up information on my website means I didn't even give them the opportunity to join if they want to.  How could they if they don't know is there?  If you look at the stats for your website, I'll bet you'll find that the number of people who visit your website is higher than the number actual purchases.  So, to me, that means I'm missing a lot more possible new members for the blog than I'm inviting.

Needless to say, I've rectified the situation and there is now a "Join My Blog" message at the top of my webpages.

So, my lesson learned is this, check your website, read it through with the idea in your head that you're looking for omissions, mistakes, typos, etc.  Just make sure that nothing is missing that you really wanted your customers to know, get (like free samples) or join.  I'm just glad I noticed it now instead of 2 years from now :)

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